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Don't Miss The Butter Braid Sales!  Light-Flakey-Delicious! Featured Photo

Don't Miss The Butter Braid Sales! Light-Flakey-Delicious!

This Elementary fundraiser is underway and ends February 11 so pick your favorite flavors and order right away! Along with yummy caramel rolls, butter braid flavors are Blueberry Cream Cheese, Strawberry Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Apple, Cherry, Raspberry and the newest butter braid: Chocolate! Stop by the elementary campus to order or purchase through your nearest SWC elementary! Butter braid delivery will be on Wednesday, March 5.  Proceeds from Butter Braid sales go towards reaching the final goal of purchasing a new piano for the Music Dept!
Benefit supper for the Ver Hey Family Featured Photo

Benefit supper for the Ver Hey Family

SWC will be having a Benefit Supper on February 11 for Jim and Lissa Ver Hey (SWC high schools head cook).  Serving will start at 5:00 and will serve till the food is gone.  We will be serving Hamburger/Hotdogs with the fixings, chips, bars, and a drink.  Come support this SWC family help cover the costs from their house fire.  You can also enjoy a game of basketball that evening as our boys will be playing HBC.
Rooted in Christ - Growing in Wisdom
Bearing Fruit to the Glory of God
