Who We Are » Mission


Mission Statement
Rooted in Christ, Southwest Minnesota Christian Schools cultivates the faith and knowledge of students, so they will grow in wisdom through the Spirit and bear fruit in the world to the glory of God. (Psalm 1:1-3)
Rooted in Christ, growing in wisdom, bearing fruit to the glory of God.
Rooted in Christ: SWC is a community of grace that is rooted in the centrality, sufficiency, and supremacy of Jesus Christ. Our worldview is biblically based: the earth and everything in it is created and sustained by God, people are made in God’s image though fallen into sin, and Christ’s death and resurrection is the supreme act of history through which redemption is accomplished. We anticipate Christ’s return when all of creation will confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Growing in Wisdom: SWC is a community of growth which encourages students to discover, develop, and demonstrate the gifts God has given them. In partnership with the Christian home, our school seeks to cultivate the faith and knowledge of our students in all areas of study and life. In the light of scripture, students will realize ever more fully God’s claim on and purpose for their lives.
Bearing Fruit: SWC is a community of gratitude that is bearing fruit to the glory of God. As students grow in Christ, our school challenges students to bear fruit within a community of believers and the world. We desire that, through the Holy Spirit’s leading, students will become stewards of God’s world and witness bearers of Christ’s Lordship until he comes again.